Monday, June 4, 2012

RCP - EP008 We explain East Van Cool...well not really really

Indy does informercials, Bin has issues with the public transit cops. Guests include the East Van cool Jeff Chan. By now you should know, and if you don't, you do now... links below and enjoy.



  1. Hey guys, here's a comment that my oldest friend in the world left on The Jiu-Jitsu Vortex after listening to the show:

    "I’m not a huge fan of podcasts, but I think its a neat medium if done right. The podcast sounded a bit like friends sitting down having a drink. If it was just friends shooting the shit, I’d be a little more forgiving. Unfortunately it being a podcast, and being public I feel the need to voice some concerns.

    I’ll admit I turned off the podcast about 40 minutes in once the topic of bath salts came up, the information/gossip bandied about was so wrong that I couldn’t listen any more. Maybe its because I was a drug counsellor, but when people start off with factually incorrect information about drugs and drug abuse it sets me off..

    I also was a little confused when the discussion of the Ultimate Fighter Live finale came up, again their description of the fights was so off that it was like a train wreck. Chiesa choked out Iaquinta, Kampmann, knocked out Ellenberger with the head kick."

  2. Hey kids, here's a link to some reliable info about bath salts.
